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Education Department

Hanbit Church feels strongly about empowering our children to grow up to become God fearing men and women in a world and generation that is constantly pushing God away. We believe that the children are the future and it is the duty of the Pastors, teachers, and parents to help them grow in their faith and knowledge of the word.

Our Education Department currently has three departments, Sparks (Toddler) Ministry, Kindle (Elementary) Ministry, and Lighthouse (Youth) Ministry. Each ministry is tailored to impact a particular age group and teaches Bible stories and lessons at their respective levels.


너는 말씀을 전파하라. 때를 얻든지 못 얻든지 항상 힘쓰라.

범사에 오래 참음과 가르침으로 경책하며 경계하며 권하라.(딤전 4:2)

뉴욕 한빛교회에서는 복음 전파의 사명을 감당하고자,말씀으로 하나된 공동체가 되어 약 150개 이상의 언어와 나라에서 온 이민자들로 이루어진 교회 주변의 이웃에게 복음을 전하고, 미국내에서의 복음 전파를 위해 교회나 선교 단체들과 협력하고 있습니다.

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